Answering Your Questions About Invisalign® Go

General & Cosmetic Dentists Serving Omaha, Bellevue, Lincoln and Nearby Nebraska

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Posted: March 25, 2021

You’ve heard of Invisalign®. Now, meet Invisalign® Go. It’s a faster way for people with mild dental issues to transform their smile at our Village Pointe office. Below, we’re answering some common questions about this orthodontic treatment so you can see if it might be right for you.

What is Invisalign® Go?

Invisalign® Go is a clear aligner therapy that streamlines the tooth straightening process. It treats mild dental misalignment for a more beautiful and confident smile.

Our patients love that the Invisalign® Go system uses the latest in digital technology to plan their treatment. This allows them to enjoy safe, predictable results in less time than the leading alternatives.

Why Would I Choose Invisalign® Go Over Other Orthodontic Treatments?

There are many reasons to choose Invisalign® Go over other orthodontic treatments, including:

  • It works faster. Some patients finish their treatment within several months.
  • It’s more discreet. Other people might not notice you’re wearing your aligners.
  • It’s more convenient. You can remove your trays to eat and drink.
  • It’s lower maintenance. You can brush and floss like normal without special oral care tools.

Many of our Invisalign® Go patients had traditional braces when they were younger. Because their teeth have shifted over the years, they want a simple solution that can straighten their smile.

If that sounds like your situation, Invisalign® Go might be a perfect match! But for complex cases, traditional orthodontics or the standard Invisalign® system could be necessary.

Why Should I Visit a Dentist for Clear Aligners?

Mail-order aligners may be popular, but it’s always best to visit a qualified dental professional who can monitor your orthodontic treatment. Moving teeth without an in-person consultation and evaluations can carry risks.

Our dentist will be by your side every step of the way. He will examine your mouth to make sure everything is on track. And if you need to treat gum disease, develop a cavity, or want to whiten your smile, our dentist can help with those things too.

Get Started with Invisalign® Go in Village Pointe

Ready to learn if Invisalign® Go is the right choice for your needs? Call 402-505-7474 to arrange a consultation at our Village Pointe location with experienced dentist Dr. Brian Pendley. We welcome patients from Omaha, Bellevue, Lincoln, and nearby areas of Nebraska.

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